发布时间:2019-04-16 07:26:02
The number of patents submitted by the Endress+Hauser Group continues to rise. As reported during the annual Innovators’ Meeting held this year in France, the Group submitted 287 initial patents in 2018, a new record. Endress+Hauser owns nearly 7,800 active intellectual property rights worldwide.
Angelika Andres, Corporate Director, Intellectual Property Rights at Endress+Hauser, is pleased with the most recent activities: “This year we once again achieved a record number of innovati***, both in the number of patent filings and the number of approved patents.” While the 309 invention disclosures are a sign of the company’s ongoing innovation capability, the 537 granted patent applicati*** also represent an all-time high.
Roughly one-third of the patent filings are related to the Industrial Internet of Things, digital communicati*** and instrument diagnostics. Under the motto #empowerthefield, in 2018 the measurement engineering spe***t began to bundle its digital activities with a focus on Heartbeat Technology, as well as the recently introduced Netilion IIoT ecosystem.
Each invention undergoes a multistage internal evaluation process before submission to the patent office, usually within four months. To handle the stream of innovati***, in 2016 an internal patent department was created in the US, one of the Group’s most important markets. Four spe***ts at the Greenwood, Indiana location are resp***ible for protecting the technical innovati***.
This team has full resp***ibility for handling all patent filings from the Group companies located in the US, plus up to 80 percent of the overseas filings.
Under the motto ‘Innovation – what makes us human’, Matthias Altendorf, CEO of the Endress+Hauser Group, as well as other members of the Executive Board, welcomed more than 300 guests to the annual Innovators’ Meeting, which was held in late March in Saint-Louis, France. Employees involved in patent filings presented their innovati*** during the company’s traditional get-together. Exceptional innovati*** were recognized with special awa***.
C***olidated innovation spirit: At its annual Innovators’ Meeting in Saint-Louis, France, Endress+Hauser honored the company’s inventors.
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