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Changes on the Executive Board

发布时间:2018-12-26 07:37:00        

Dr Andreas Mayr assumes additional resp***ibility within Endress+Hauser; Jörg Stegert joins the Group to head up human resources

Change is taking place at the top of the Endress+Hauser Group. Effective 1 March 2019, Dr Andreas Mayr will become Chief Operating Officer (COO) resp***ible for sales, production and support, thus assuming more resp***ibility on the Executive Board. In this function he will serve as deputy CEO to Matthias Altendorf. On 1 October 2018, Jörg Stegert joined the Group to oversee the entire personnel area as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO).

The impetus behind the reorganization is the increasing dynamic of digitalization, the fluctuating economic and political environment, and last but not least, the sustained growth of the internationally active Group. “We want to continue to actively shape this transformation,” explained Klaus Endress, President of the Supervisory Board. “By bundling the operational resp***ibility of the Group in the hands of a COO, we can free up more time for the CEO to focus on his activities.”

Matthias Altendorf, who has led the family-owned company since 2014, will focus more intensely on aligning, growing and strengthening the Endress+Hauser Group, as well as further anchoring the corporate culture and values into the global network of companies. Apart from strategy, business development and digitalization, the CEO will concentrate on further expanding the laboratory analysis business.

Andreas Mayr (57), as Corporate Director of Marketing & Technology, was already a member of the Group’s Executive Board. He holds a doctorate in physics and joined Endress+Hauser in 1998. In his new role, he will focus all of his time and efforts on helping to manage the Group.

His successor as CEO of Endress+Hauser SE+Co. KG in Maulburg, Germany – the Group’s center of competence for level and pressure measurement technology – effective 1 January 2019 will be Dr Peter Selders (49), who has been Head of Main Division, Technology to date.


Human resources area under new leadership

Jörg Stegert joined the Executive Board on 1 October 2018 to head up the Group’s human resources area. The 48-year-old was most recently Head of Human Resources at Knorr-Bremse AG in Munich. There he supported the company at the executive level and oversaw projects in the HR area such as the establishment of international structures and a state-of-the-art IT landscape for HR applicati***.

Jörg Stegert is furthermore familiar with issues related to internal communicati*** and training and education. He replaces Roland Kienzler who left the company to pursue other opportunities.

The Executive Board of the Endress+Hauser Group also includes Dr Manfred Jagiella (Corporate Director, Process Analysis Business), Chief Information Officer Pieter de Koning (IT), Chief Sales Officer Nikolaus Krüger (sales and service), Chief Financial Officer Dr Luc Schultheiss (finance) and General Counsel Dr Heiner Zehntner (legal).

  • Dr Andreas Mayr ©Endress+Hauser

    Dr Andreas Mayr assumes additional resp***ibility on the Endress+Hauser Group’s Executive Board as Chief Operating Officer.

  • J?rg Stegert©Endress+Hauser

    Jörg Stegert has taken over resp***ibility for the entire human resources area of the globally active Endress+Hauser Group.

  • Dr Peter Selders ©Endress+Hauser

    Dr Peter Selders will become new CEO of the Endress+Hauser center of competence for level and pressure measurement technology in Maulburg, Germany.

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