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Endress+Hauser at IFAT 2018

发布时间:2018-04-03 03:40:12        

At this year’s IFAT (14–18 May 2018 in Munich, Germany), Endress+Hauser will be presenting its portfolio under the motto “Water is life”. With a thorough understanding of the requirements of the water & wastewater industry, the experts for process automation will be on hand to introduce visitors to the company’s range of resource-s***ing, leading-edge soluti*** and products.


Digitalization in the environmental industry

In line with a comparable advance in development in industrial production, known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or Industry 4.0, the German Water Partnership (GWP) is launching a “Water 4.0” discussion aimed at exploring the significance of this technology-driven change to the water industry. In this context Endress+Hauser is dem***trating some of its initial application scenarios.

This includes measurement instruments integrated with Heartbeat Technology, which tests the reliability of the instrument and helps users to improve their processes. The instruments supply digital diagnostic data, verify performance and monitor process data to create a predictive maintenance and process optimization strategy.

Analyzers for monitoring phosphor and phosphate, as well as new compact sensors integrated with Endress+Hauser’s proven Memosens digital technology, help customers monitor wastewater processes and optimize process control.


Maintaining pure waters - efficient wastewater treatment

The World Health Organization’s (WHO) water safety plan and the EU Water Framework Directive form the legal foundation of an international framework for protecting our waters. The directive is carried out in individual countries in the form of legislation and regulati***. To help system operators meet these requirements, Endress+Hauser provides expert advice and designs measurement solution concepts, all based on a well-matched product portfolio, industry know-how and application expertise.


Industrial wastewater treatment

Industrial wastewater treatment is a vital part of many different production processes across a variety of industries. By implementing a comprehensive instrumentation concept for their water & wastewater treatment processes, operators benefit from cost advantages that result from sensor and tran***itter synergies.

Service concepts from Endress+Hauser help improve system ***ailability across the entire life cycle. Rounding out the program are complete soluti*** designed for the neutralization of industrial wastewater.

Visit the People for Process Automation at exhibit booth 415/550, hall C1. We look forward to many interesting discussi***.

  • At IFAT 2018, Endress+Hauser will be presenting its portfolio under the motto “Water is life”. ©Endress+Hauser

    Endress+Hauser offers tailored products, soluti*** and services designed for the resource-s***ing operation of water and wastewater treatment systems into the future.


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